Monday, March 17, 2014

Libya Update, Part II

Overnight, moves were taken to secure Libyan unity. United States Navy Seals boarded and took control of the oil tanker - Morning Glory - that had escaped the naval blockade of Libya's eastern, rebel-held ports. The tanker is now on its way back to Libya to an undisclosed, government-held port. This action underlines American support for Libya's government and greatly undermines the actions of the rebel government. Moreover, it emphasizes the willingness of action upon necessity, including appropriate military response.

In related news, two Israeli nationals and a Senegalese were detained upon suspicion of attempting to purchase oil from the tanker off the coast of Cyprus. They were released and it is, at this time, unclear if there is any suspicion remaining, if their actions were pure opportunism, or if they were part of any premeditated plan with the tanker's crew.

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