Thursday, August 2, 2012

Annan Resigns, Endgame Approaches?

Kofi Annan resigned today as the UN-Arab League envoy to Syria.

To start, this decision was neither courageous nor timely. Moreover, Annan did not all-out resign, but rather chose to accept the inevitable and request that his position not be renewed when it expires, in nearly a month (August 31).

This peace plan and partnership with the Arab League never had any bite. Both sides undermined the agreement as well as its principles. The end result: more death and destruction.

The only hope is, Annan's resignation turns the tide, displays that peaceful coexistence with Syria's current leadership is untenable, and ends the silent partnership between certain nations and Syria's neptocracy. Acceptance of the status quo, or its waverings, may finally open up to a new Syria.

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