Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Social Media & the Military: Oil and Water

Individual social media profiles are generally bad news for militaries. They eventually lead to trouble. The Israeli army has repeatedly expressed concern and even made efforts to limit social media usage by soldiers. The United States military has had related concerns over access to social media. Simply put, people tend to overshare.

Russian soldiers and separatists have had a hard time keeping social media in check in Eastern Ukraine. The location functionality has repeatedly revealed activity that, according to Russia, isn't happening. Pictures are particularly telling. Recently, a reporter tracked down some specific locations, proving the photos were taken in Ukraine:

(Source: Vice News)

But the problem isn't just for Russia, Israel, or the United States. It's really a problem for all militaries. When it comes to social media, things separate out and float to the top, becoming real headaches in time. Social media doesn't mix well with the military.

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