Monday, January 5, 2015

Nigeria? Anyone? Anyone at all?

[Our 2014 posts did slow to a trickle and disappear, but we are returning in 2015, with new posts and insights]

Boko Haram has been around for years, they kidnapped 200 Nigerian girls, quasi-sort-of-not-really released them after significant public outcry but little international action, and are now posing trouble again, kidnapping villagers and attacking bases. But is anyone outside of Nigeria and the Lake Chad basin listening?

While not helping may have consequences for the region, not listening may have broader consequences. Terrorist groups, which is a category Boko Haram falls under, seek to incite fear. They are certainly inciting localized or regional fear, but on the international arena, stories about Boko Haram incidents fall below the fold, for now. Perhaps some more attention, at the diplomatic and even military level, may reign in Boko Haram and return the fear.

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