Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Press Play

It seems that Russian and Ukrainian leaders are simply waiting around till someone tells them to press play. After a huge row last week over a supposed humanitarian convoy purported to be poorly disguised military support, full-fledged war is occurring in all-but name across Eastern Ukraine. And it seems that the convoy will cross the border after all.

(Source: AP via BBC)

Meanwhile, a group of refugees fleeing the fighting were hit with "rockets and mortars," causing numerous fatalities and casualties. Both sides blame one another, naturally.

Victories in this war are reminiscent of recently-highlighted accounts of World War I on the centenary of its beginning - opposing sides fighting for mere feet and meters at great cost and little tactical advantage. Even the politics of soccer have been infiltrated, with teams in annexed Crimea beginning play in the Russian leagues.

But perhaps the real concern should be perspective. Everyone became worried for a week and half after pro-Russian rebels shot down an airliner at cruising altitude, but then the airlines and other nations decided they would just not fly over Ukraine anymore and all became well again. Perspective is in how a conflict is described, discussed, and referenced. Perhaps it is no longer appropriate to call it the "Ukraine Crisis," or the "Crisis in Ukraine" (also used by the Wall Street Journal). Perhaps we call it what is - war - because it's quite possible that reality may lead us toward a solution.

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