Sunday, October 28, 2012

Burma takes a leap backward, anyone apart from Human Rights Watch listening?

After damning evidence from Human Rights Watch (following numerous reports), Burma admitted massive security failures in clashes in largely Muslim Rakhine. This event presents a massive leap backward for Burma. First, it indicates that violence in Burma continues. Second, it shows that the government will still suppress news and information when it is possible. There is a glimmer of hope in that the government did admit violence and its response; however, this admission only came after overwhelming evidence surfaced.

The United States and other Western countries that have extended an open hand to Burma should rightly ask the government whether it truly is moving forward, albeit without pushing the Burmese into China's grasp. Naturally, these questions and issues are extremely sensitive. The plight of this minority group should not be overshadowed by the potential opening up of Burma. Rewarding behavior that is just slightly less bad than it was previously has never previously led to good behavior. It only tests the waters of how one can maximize benefit while minimizing costs - something that cannot be afforded in Burma.

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