Tuesday, August 7, 2012

NCIS Outtakes: The Silly Season

If you watch the always-entertaining show NCIS, you know that just about everything they investigate involves murder (cue Gibbs saying "we got a body") and much also involves serious national security threats.

Occassionally, however, NCIS apparently delves into the silly, harrassing news organizations over unclassified information simply because it is marked "FOUO" (For Official Use Only).  Now I know military personnel aren't supposed to release FOUO information, but still -- with all the presumably pressing things to investigate, this one seems extremely low on the totem pole.  Basically, the military put out a pie-in-the-sky request for companies to create a laser-mounted drone that could shoot individuals (and maybe burn their clothes off or something like that).  This sounds very similar to the public announcements made by DARPA and other DOD agencies all the time.

Meanwhile, I hope this documentary on next-generation laser technology is on someone's radar at NCIS.

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