Monday, December 16, 2013

Ukraine Protests Grow, Government Wavers, World Begins to Take Notice

Evidence of a split within the Ukrainian populace has not felt so clear as it does during the current protests in quite a while. Even government officials are failing to keep a coherent front, with differing claims of a complete lean toward Russia and a continued lead toward Europe. Moreover, pro-government protesters are being bused in from the East and South, which may only lead to further societal divisions. No matter - the faux protests are no match for the 200,000 rallying of their own accord.

Meanwhile, under all the protests, what comes next is still a question. Foreign Policy points out the waning influence of Russia's geopolitical energy strategies. This has been a concern for several years now, as Russian oil production has begun to collapse and its natural gas strength challenged by the early development of an international market (led by new technological development out of the United States).

Russia has not really developed a mixed economy, so were its geopolitical arsenal to weaken, it could become increasingly unpredictable politically. Has Ukraine become a battleground? Well, there's little other reason for current United States Congressmen to be addressing Ukrainians in Kiev, is there?

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